
The RRS Discovery is a barque-rigged auxiliary steamship built in Dundee, Scotland for Antarctic research.

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Discovery of novel small compounds that delay flowering in plants - EurekAlert

Entangled in self-discovery: quantum computers analyze their own entanglement - EurekAlert

Entangled in self-discovery: Quantum computers analyze their own entanglement

CAS Discovery and Foresight

Discovery of anti-HIV daphnane diterpenoids from the Japanese plant Daphne pseudomezereum - EurekAlert

'Dark Oxygen' Discovery in Ocean Depths Draws Heavy Debate

Discovery of ritual bath sheds light on Jewish life in ancient Rome

Discovery of mosquito molecular mechanism opens door to new antimalaria strategies - EurekAlert

Discovery: The great whale pee funnel moves vital nutrients

Discovery: The great whale pee funnel - EurekAlert

Discovery of 1.5-Million-Year-Old Bone Tools Rewrites Our Understanding of Early Human Technology

Discovery of 1.5-Million-Year-Old Bone Tools Rewrites Early Human History

The discovery of a fat-filled cell reveals why noses are springy: « A newly identified cartilage cell generates fat vacuoles and makes the surrounding tissues pliable. This helps keep the ear and nose tips bouncy. »

Discovery of a common 'weapon' used by disease-causing fungi could help engineer more resilient food crops

AI accelerates discovery of neurodevelopmental disorder-associated genes

Discovery of rare gene variants provides window into tailored type 2 diabetes treatment

Discovery of rare gene variants provides window into tailored type 2 diabetes treatment - EurekAlert

Lost in the Rainforest for 150,000 Years – The Discovery That Rewrites Human History

Discovery suggests there could be huge amounts of helium in Earth's core

A 1932 Discovery Is Rewriting the Future of Quantum Computing