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New technique reveals how the same mutations give rise to very different types of leukaemia

New technique reveals how the same mutations give rise to very different types of leukaemia - EurekAlert

Cancer biologists discover a new mechanism for an old drug: « Study reveals the drug, 5-fluorouracil, acts differently in different types of cancer — a finding that could help researchers design better drug combinations. »

Finding love: Study reveals where love lives in the brain, « We now provide a more comprehensive picture of the brain activity associated with different types of love than previous research. »

Neuroscience Surprise: Different Types of Love Light Up Different Parts of the Brain

Clarifying a synergistic effect between different types of antibodies in cancer treatment - EurekAlert

Scientists Have Identified 5 Different Types of Sleep: Here’s What They Reveal About Your Health

A strip of electronic skin that wraps around a robot’s finger can detect pressure, friction, and strain. This is the first time that researchers have arranged a variety of different types of sensors in complex 3D layouts similar to those of sensory cells in human skin.

A sugar analysis could reveal different types of cancer

Disinformation is an expected outcome, not a byproduct, of the media market. The analysis of three business models of media markets (broadcasting, partisan, and digital) reveals qualitatively different types of disinformation. Digital platforms profit from controversial and misleading content.

What are different types of clouds and how do they form?

New research shows how different types of magma oceans can impact an exoplanet's evolution.