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UCF researcher further explores nanotech to improve cancer and disease detection - EurekAlert

Sustainable battery technology: innovations in design, manufacturing, and fault detection - EurekAlert

First detection of frost on the solar system's tallest volcanoes on Mars

First Detection of Magnetism in Massive Stars Beyond Our Galaxy

Detection of an Earth-sized exoplanet orbiting the ultracool dwarf star SPECULOOS-3

New cardiac research will save women's lives by improving detection of heart failure

Detection of an Earth-sized exoplanet orbiting the ultracool dwarf star SPECULOOS-3 - EurekAlert

First detection of hepatitis E virus from urban Norway rats (Rattus norvegicus) in the Republic of Korea - EurekAlert

Black hole collision 'alerts' could notify astronomers within 30 seconds of detection

Researchers advance detection of gravitational waves to study collisions of neutron stars and black holes

Researchers advance detection of gravitational waves to study collisions of neutron stars and black holes - EurekAlert

Artificial intelligence to be used for the detection of common eye disease - EurekAlert

Portsmouth researchers enable detection of remarkable gravitational-wave signal - EurekAlert

New initiative improves detection, evaluation of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

Revolutionary biomimetic olfactory chips to enable advanced gas sensing and odor detection

New testing approach improves detection of rare but emerging Powassan virus spread by deer ticks

Unlocking the Secrets to Early Alzheimer’s Detection

AI Audio Deepfakes Are Quickly Outpacing Detection

Invisible Menace: Newly Discovered Malaria Parasites Evade Detection and Treatment

Method improves detection of potential therapeutic tumor targets in human biopsies