
Smooth muscle is an involuntary non-striated muscle, so-called because it has no sarcomeres and therefore no striations (bands or stripes).

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See Mars buzz the dense stars of the Beehive Cluster tonight

Supernova explosion's weird leftovers may contain a super-dense star

Dense crowds of pedestrians shift into surprisingly orderly lines. Math explains why

What the FDA Ruling about 'Dense Breasts' Means for Cancer Risk and Screening

FDA Will Require Dense Breast Disclosure at Mammogram Clinics

My mammogram revealed I have dense breasts. What does that mean?

Scientists created a weird new type of ice that is almost exactly as dense as water

Scientists created a weird new type of ice that is almost exactly as dense as water

Astronomers find evidence for hypermassive neutron stars, which are objects so massive and dense they shouldn’t even exist.

Defying Conventional Theories: How Does Radiation Travel Through Dense Plasma?

As Dense as It Gets: Using String Theory To Create a New Model for Matter