
Vascular dementia (VaD) is dementia caused by problems in the blood supply to the brain, resulting from a cerebrovascular disease.

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THC vs. Dementia: Cannabis Linked to Lower Risk of Cognitive Decline

Your Vision Can Predict Dementia 12 Years Before Diagnosis, Study Finds

Thousands to be offered blood tests for dementia in UK trial

Organoids reveal how to protect the brain against dementia and ALS following traumatic injury, according to study

App may pave way to treatments for no. 1 dementia in under-60s

Is Dementia Primarily a Modern Phenomenon? New Research Reveals Its Near Absence in Ancient Greece and Rome

Unlocking the Mystery of Cognitive Decline Before Dementia

Your Blood Could Be Aging Your Brain, Increasing Risk of Dementia

Herpes Virus May Double Your Risk of Dementia, Study Finds

A Simple Blood Test Could Soon Predict Your Risk of Dementia

Hearing Loss Linked to Increased Risk of Dementia

Helping caregivers help people with dementia eat at home

Double risk of dementia after mouth ulcer virus

Early blood test to predict dementia is step closer as biological markers identified | Alzheimer's

Language barriers could contribute to higher aggression in people with dementia

Did dementia exist in ancient Greek and Rome?

The NFL concussion settlement promised payouts for suffering players. But strict guidelines, aggressive reviews and a languishing doctors network have led to denials for hundreds of players diagnosed with dementia, including many who died with CTE.

New Research Indicates That Statins Could Slow Dementia

Naomi Feil, Who Promoted Empathy as a Response to Dementia, Dies at 91

These 3 Personality Traits Are Linked to a Lower Risk of Dementia