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Dice snakes fake their own death, smearing themselves with blood and poop to make the performance extra convincing

Beethoven Really Did Have Lead Poisoning, But That Didn't Cause His Death

Years after his death, late scientist's work could yield new cancer treatments

Years after his death, late scientist's work could yield new cancer treatments - EurekAlert

Most Dementia Patients 'Return' Before Death And It's Unclear Why

Astronauts on the moon could stay fit by running in a Wheel of Death

Running around a 'wall of death' could keep moon settlers fit

Cats suffer H5N1 brain infections, blindness, death after drinking raw milk

AI that determines risk of death helps save lives in hospital trial

Japan's SLIM moon lander defies death to survive 3rd frigid lunar night (image)

Heat waves cause more illness and death in U.S. cities with fewer trees

$1.9 million awarded to create device that will reduce death from bleeding - EurekAlert

It Doesn’t Matter How Much Time You Sit – New Study Reveals That Walking More Decreases Your Risk of Heart Disease and Death

Reverse effects of trauma? Older brain cells linger unexpectedly before their death

Stunning James Webb images show birth and death of massive stars

This New AI Predicts Your Life. Then It Predicts Your Death.

Doomed egg-shaped exoplanet is death-spiraling into its star

Cheating Death: New Theory Explains White Dwarfs’ Cooling Conundrum

Good News for Office Workers: 10,000 Steps a Day Linked to 39% Reduced Risk of Death

Colorado Man Died From Venomous Gila Monster Bite, Autopsy Confirms