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Longest-Ever COVID Infection Lasted More Than 600 Days

Hibernating bumblebee queens have a superpower: Surviving for days underwater

Soyuz Lands NASA Astronaut Loral O’Hara Back on Earth After 204 Days in Orbit

365 days of satellite images show Earth's seasons changing from space (video)

Russian Rocket Launches Astronaut, Cosmonaut, and Flight Attendant to ISS, Days After Glitch

In China, the first pig liver was transplanted into a person and lasted for 10 days

Breakthrough Therapy Obliterates Deadly Brain Tumor in Days

Splashdown! NASA’s SpaceX Crew-7 Returns to Earth After 199 Days in Orbit

NASA's tiny CAPSTONE probe celebrates 450 days in orbit around the moon

Study identifies multi-organ response to seven days without food

In the span of just 34 days, two different spacecraft have joined a rare club: landing on the Moon sideways. It’s not what either the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) or Houston-based Intuitive Machines were aiming to do. But bother are calling their missions a success.

GUSTO Breaks NASA Scientific Balloon Record for Days in Flight

What is Dark Energy? Inside our accelerating, expanding Universe

879 days! Russian cosmonaut breaks record for total time spent in space

Giant Star Seen 150 Days Before it Exploded as a Supernova

1,000 days in space! Core module of China's Tiangong space station hits milestone

Japan's SLIM moon lander regains power nine days after botched landing

Kiwifruit Consumption Can Improve Vitality and Mood in As Little As Four Days, Study Suggests

A Gene-Edited Pig Liver Was Attached to a Person—and Worked for 3 Days

Chinese Kuaizhou-1A rocket launches 4th mission in 18 days (video)