
Dawn is a mostly feminine given name, although it can be used as a masculine given name as well.

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The story of ancient Mesopotamia and the dawn of the modern world

Habitable planets could have formed at the dawn of the universe

Lab Work Digs Into Gullies Seen on Giant Asteroid Vesta by NASA’s Dawn

Lab Work Digs Into Gullies Seen on Giant Asteroid Vesta by NASA’s Dawn

Breakthrough Fossil Sheds Light on the Dawn of Diverse Animal Life

We Finally Know What Switched on The Lights at The Dawn of Time

Light-Speed Breakthrough: The Dawn of Photonic In-Memory Computing

Press Release: Dawn Aerospace Flies World’s Only Rapidly Reusable Rocket-Powered Aircraft Twice in One Day — Dawn Aerospace

Peering Back 13 Billion Years: Dancing Galaxies Craft a Monster at the Dawn of the Universe

From the Dawn of Time: Astronomers Discover Six Ancient Galaxies With Unprecedented Gas Masses

Unlocking the Deep Past: New Study Maps the Dawn of Animal Life

Smallest arm bone in human fossil record sheds light on the dawn of Homo floresiensis

Smallest arm bone in human fossil record sheds light on the dawn of Homo floresiensis - EurekAlert

The Dawn of Fashion: How Eyed Needles Tailored the Evolution of Dress

We Finally Know What Turned on The Lights at The Dawn of Time

The dawn of the Antarctic ice sheets - EurekAlert

The dawn of the Antarctic ice sheets

This Mysterious Black Hole at The Dawn of Time Weighs a Billion Suns

Tiny bright objects discovered at dawn of universe baffle scientists

Tiny bright objects discovered at dawn of universe baffle scientists - EurekAlert