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Scientist Who Discovered 'Dark Oxygen' Ignored It For Years. Here's Why.
'Dark Oxygen' Discovery in Ocean Depths Draws Heavy Debate
We may have discovered how dark oxygen is being made in the deep sea
Dark oxygen: New deep sea expedition to explore mysterious discovery
'Dark Oxygen' Discovered in The Ocean, But What Does It Mean?
Claim of ‘dark oxygen’ on sea floor faces doubts
Dark Oxygen Could Change Our Understanding of Habitability
What is ‘dark oxygen’, found 13,000 feet under the sea? | Science and Technology News
Discovery of 'dark oxygen' from deep-sea metal lumps could trigger rethink of origins of life
The Mysterious Discovery of ‘Dark Oxygen’ on the Ocean Floor
Ocean floor metals produce ‘dark oxygen’, research finds
Shocking “Dark Oxygen” Discovery on Deep-Ocean Floor 13,000 Feet Below the Surface
Mysterious 'Dark Oxygen' Discovered at Bottom of Ocean Stuns Scientists
‘Dark Oxygen’ Discovered Coming from Mineral Deposits on Deep Seafloor
The Secret of How Cells Make ‘Dark Oxygen’ Without Light