Dark Energy Camera

Red Digital Cinema (Red Digital Cinema Camera Company) is an American company that manufactures professional digital cinematography cameras and accessories and it owns Red Studios Hollywood.

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Largest-ever discovery of 'missing link' black holes revealed by dark energy camera (video)

Dark Energy Camera captures thousands of galaxies in stunning image

Dark energy camera captures the glittering galaxies of the Antlia Cluster

Dark Energy Camera spies the outskirts of the swirling Southern Pinwheel galaxy

Dark Energy Camera Unveils the Mysteries of Dense Yet Isolated Quasar Neighborhoods

Dark Energy Camera's new galactic portrait delves into dark-matter central

Dark Energy Camera Spies Cometary Globule Reaching for the Stars

'God's Hand' interstellar cloud reaches for the stars in new Dark Energy Camera image (video)

Dark Energy Camera captures record-breaking image of a dead star's scattered remains

Dark Energy Camera captures remains of a massive star that exploded nearly 11,000 years ago in huge gigapixel image

Dark Energy Camera peels back layers of 'galactic onion' stretched across space

Dark Energy Camera Captures Rare Shell Galaxy

Dark Energy Camera Captures Protostars in Nearby Interstellar Cloud

Feast your eyes on this image of remnant from earliest recorded supernova: Dark Energy Camera captures rare view of RCW 86, remnant of supernova recorded in 185 CE

Dark Energy Camera Observes Glowing Remnant of SN 185

The Dark Energy Camera Captures the Remains of an Ancient Supernova

Dark Energy Camera in Chile captures the glowing remains of first-ever documented supernova — white-dwarf star that exploded more than 1800 years ago was witnessed by Chinese astronomers, in the year 185 CE

Dark Energy Camera Unveils Billions of Celestial Objects in Unprecedented Survey of the Milky Way

The Top 15 Most Stunning Photos Taken by the Dark Energy Camera

The Dark Energy Camera has Captured a Million Images, an Eighth of the Entire sky. Here are Some of its Best Pictures so far