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Flashy exotic birds can actually glow in the dark

Breakthrough Discovery: Nanoparticles That Neutralize Viruses in the Dark

A look into the dark

Black Hole Jet Stumbles Into Something in the Dark

Increased Consumption of Dark, But Not Milk, Chocolate Reduces Type 2 Diabetes Risk: Study

Why Soccer Players Are Training in the Dark

Why Soccer Players Are Training in the Dark

Bomb Cyclone Batters the Pacific Northwest Leaving 600,000 in the Dark

Farming in the Dark: How Electro-Agriculture Outpaces Photosynthesis

With 'electro-agriculture,' plants can produce food in the dark and with 94% less land, bioengineers say

With “electro-agriculture,” plants can produce food in the dark and with 94% less land, bioengineers say - EurekAlert

Light pollution disturbs moths even in the dark - EurekAlert

Light pollution disturbs moths even in the dark

‘Night Magic’ invites you to celebrate the living wonders of the dark

How Did Black Holes Get So Big, So Fast? The Answer Lies in the Dark

Hubble Reaches a Lonely Light in the Dark

Bystander barriers in sexual harassment - Associations with the Dark Triad and social anxiety

Orbital Defense Company Dark Completes Hot Fire Test Campaign

Cryptocurrency investors are more likely to self-report “Dark Tetrad” personality traits alongside other characteristics - EurekAlert

Glasses coated in lithium could let us see in the dark