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Think watching customers increases tips? Science finds that customers who feel watched don't always tip more, but they do avoid returning. Customers who feel watched feel less generous but also feel pressured to tip.

Will customers accept a little in their cafeteria meals? - EurekAlert

Rocket Lab Partners With KSAT To Streamline Satellite Communications for Customers with Upgraded Ground Station Service

Research shows that customers' income or payment method has a greater impact on tips than service quality. For instance, those who pay with cash are more inclined to leave tips compared to electronic payers

Racing For Place In The New Space Race: Customers Seek Launch Options

Starlink passed 2M+ customers across all continents

Virgin Galactic launches 3 of its original space tourist customers to the final frontier (video)

Virgin Galactic will launch some of its 1st space tourist customers on 'Galactic 03' today. But who's flying?