Curiosity Mars Rover

Curiosity is a car-sized Mars rover designed to explore the Gale crater on Mars as part of NASA's Mars Science Laboratory mission. Curiosity was launched from Cape Canaveral on 26 November 2011, at 15:02:00 UTC and landed on Aeolis Palus inside Gale crater on Mars on 6 August 2012, 05:17:57 UTC. The Bradbury Landing site was less than 2.4 km from the center of the rover's touchdown target after a 560 million km journey. Mission goals include an investigation of the Martian climate and geology, assessment of whether the selected field site inside Gale has ever offered environmental conditions favorable for microbial life, and planetary habitability studies in preparation for human exploration. In December 2012, Curiosity's two-year mission was extended indefinitely, and on 5 August 2017, NASA celebrated the fifth anniversary of the Curiosity rover landing. On 6 August 2022, a detailed overview of accomplishments by the Curiosity rover for the last ten years was reported.

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NASA's Curiosity Mars rover discovers evidence of ripples from an ancient Red Planet lake (images)

NASA’s Curiosity Mars Rover Takes a Last Look at Mysterious Sulfur

NASA’s Curiosity Mars Rover Takes a Last Look at Mysterious Sulfur

Curiosity Mars rover's wheels are more battered than ever — but they still work

NASA’s Curiosity Mars Rover Faces a Particularly Prickly Power Puzzle

Dusty Dilemmas: NASA’s Curiosity Mars Rover Navigates Rocky Riddles

NASA’s Curiosity Mars Rover Reached the South Side of Pinnacle Ridge… What’s Next?

NASA's Curiosity Mars rover begins exploring possible dried-up Red Planet river

NASA's Curiosity Mars rover celebrates 4,000 'sols' on the Red Planet

NASA's Curiosity Mars rover reaches perilous ridge on Red Planet after 3 failed attempts

NASA’s Curiosity Mars Rover: We Made It to the Top!

NASA's Curiosity Mars rover gets a major software upgrade

NASA's Curiosity Mars Rover Gets a Major Software Upgrade. Curiosity Mars rover will drive faster and reduce wear on its wheels thanks to two of the new capabilities included with a major software update that was completed on April 7.

Tantalizing Science and Dangerous Hazards: NASA’s Curiosity Mars Rover Reaches Long-Awaited Salty Region

NASA's Curiosity Mars Rover Reaches Long-Awaited Salty Region

Curiosity Mars Rover Reaches Long-Awaited Salty Region

Curiosity Mars rover gets 50 per cent speed boost from software update

NASA’s Curiosity Mars Rover Still Going 10 Years After Landing – What It’s Learned