
Curiosity is a car-sized Mars rover designed to explore the Gale crater on Mars as part of NASA's Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) mission.

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How NASA's Curiosity rover changed Mars landings forever (photos)

Curiosity’s Wild Ride: How the Sky Crane Changed the Way NASA Explores Mars

Brain-imaging study reveals curiosity as it emerges: « Curiosity has deep biological origins. The primary evolutionary benefit of curiosity is to encourage living things to explore their world in ways that help them survive. »

Sols 4266-4267: Happy ‘Landiversary,’ Curiosity

Here’s How Curiosity’s Sky Crane Changed the Way NASA Explores Mars

Curiosity Finds Pure Sulfur on Mars

The Curiosity rover has made its most unusual find to date on Mars: rocks made of pure sulfur

'An oasis in the desert': NASA's Curiosity rover finds pure sulfur in Martian rocks

Curiosity Cracked Open a Rock on Mars And Found a Huge Surprise

We Now Know The Exact Part of The Brain Behind Your Curiosity

Brain-imaging study reveals curiosity as it emerges

Brain-imaging study reveals curiosity as it emerges - EurekAlert

A Single Mutation Gave These Fish a Sense of Curiosity And Opened Up Their World

Sols 4205-4206: Curiosity Would Like One of Each, Please!

Scientists have discovered an Earth-sized, potentially habitable planet just 40 light years away. Named TRAPPIST-1e, is located in TRAPPIST-1 system and has conditions that might support liquid water and life. The discovery fuels our curiosity and hopes about the possibility of life beyond Earth.

Curiosity promotes biodiversity

Curiosity promotes biodiversity - EurekAlert

No Spoilers, Please! Why Curiosity Makes Us Patient

Curiosity has Reached an Ancient Debris Channel That Could Have Been Formed by Water

NASA's Curiosity rover films from dawn to dusk on Mars during downtime (video)