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New research indicates effects of PTSD on body vary by culture - EurekAlert

Research indicates effects of PTSD on body vary by culture

Why Emotional Sounds Translate across Culture and Language

Study reveals the reasons women leave cyber security: bullying, 24/7 culture, pay gap. New research from RMIT University has investigated why women are under-represented in Australia’s cyber security workforce and why the few that do enter the sector, often end up leaving it.

Connecting through culture: Understanding its relevance in intercultural lingua franca communication - EurekAlert

Are Chimpanzees Developing Culture Like Humans? Groundbreaking Study Says Yes

Chimpanzees seem to get more technologically advanced through culture

These Bird Nests Show Signs of an Architectural ‘Culture’

Researchers teach Estonian language and culture to language models - EurekAlert

Courtship through flute song in Indigenous Southern Plains culture #ASA186 - EurekAlert

NASA’s Commitment to Safety Starts with its Culture

Do Sperm Whales Have Culture?

Researchers use the so-called "Moral Foundations" model to measure the six traits that compose human morality. They have recently released a test which supposedly measures all of them, and which is able to make assumptions regarding one's culture and ideology based off it.

Victims and perpetrators perceive aggression differently: People often explain their own aggressive behaviors by referring to their thinking and the reasoning behind it, but others' aggression by referring to background causal factors like age, personality, culture, etc.

Ancient Bone Is The Oldest Known Bead in The Americas, Revealing Clues to Clovis Culture

Emojis are differently interpreted depending on gender, culture, and age of viewer

A Perfect Storm of Culture And Climate Gave Us Pro Skateboarding, Study Says

The World's Oldest Settlements Were Built by a Culture Nobody Expected

Participants in a study exhibited lower enthusiasm for integrating AI in the art and culture field compared to other fields. They perceived AI as interesting and modern, yet also strange and even scary

Do Animals Have Culture?