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American soil losing more nutrients for crops due to heavier rainstorms, study shows - EurekAlert

American soil losing more nutrients for crops due to heavier rainstorms

American soil losing more nutrients for crops due to heavier rainstorms, study shows

USU Biochemists Report Breakthrough Research finding that could simplify genetic transfer of nitrogen fixation to crops, which could enable them to utilize atmospheric N2.

Killing weeds and nurturing crops: sustainable agriculture at its finest - EurekAlert

UVA Engineering professor awarded $1.6M EPA grant to reduce PFAS accumulation in crops - EurekAlert

Are crops worldwide sufficiently pollinated? - EurekAlert

Are crops worldwide sufficiently pollinated?

Wild plants and crops don't make great neighbors, research finds

Pear-derived discovery: A genetic mechanism to fortify crops against drought - EurekAlert

Will continuous cropping of crops necessarily - EurekAlert

Spring frost no more: Genetic discovery delays peach bloom, safeguards crops - EurekAlert

Improving crops with laser beams and 3D printing - EurekAlert

Why a new method of growing food on Mars matters more on Earth: Turns out growing crops on the Red Planet is a lot like growing food on a climate-ravaged Earth.

Making crops colorful for easier weeding - EurekAlert

Making crops colorful for easier weeding

NASA’s Artemis Astronauts Will Help Grow Crops on the Moon—And Much More

A nematode gel to protect crops in Africa and Asia - EurekAlert

A Completely New Approach to Crops Could Boost Nutrition across Africa

“Fascinating” New Animal Discovery Could Protect Crops Without Pesticides