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Black holes snacking on small stars create particle accelerators that bombard Earth with cosmic rays
Cosmic rays could help reveal how tornadoes form
Another Clue About the Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays: Magnetic Turbulence
A new discovery about the source of the vast energy in cosmic rays
Cosmic rays may complicate the quest to find life on Mars
Cosmic rays could help assess hidden war damage in Ukraine
H.E.S.S. Observatory Detects Unprecedented High-Energy Cosmic Rays
Cosmic rays have surprising amounts of antimatter. Is dark matter responsible?
Illuminating Dark Matter Through Glimmers of Antimatter in Cosmic Rays
AMS Detector Reveals Surprising Surplus of Cosmic Rays Made of Deuterons
Cosmic rays can help synchronise the global financial system
Space radiation can damage satellites − my team discovered that a next-generation material could self-heal when exposed to cosmic rays
Cosmic rays illuminate the past
Cosmic rays illuminate the past - EurekAlert
Earth got hammered by cosmic rays 41,000 years ago due to a weak magnetic field
The Mystery of Cosmic Rays Deepens
Quantum computers are constantly hampered by cosmic rays
Where do cosmic rays come from?
High-energy cosmic rays may originate within the Milky Way galaxy
Star explosions boost deep space cosmic rays to near the speed of light