
Intel Core is a line of streamlined midrange consumer, workstation and enthusiast computer central processing units (CPUs) marketed by Intel Corporation.

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'Primordial' helium from the birth of the solar system may be stuck in Earth's core

Sunken Continents Near Earth's Core Could Unbalance Our Magnetic Field

Earth's Core Could Be Hiding a Vast Reservoir of Primordial Helium

'Primordial' helium from the birth of the solar system may be stuck in Earth's core

What is it like in the core of Mars? - EurekAlert

Discovery suggests there could be huge amounts of helium in Earth's core

Helium in the Earth's core - EurekAlert

Helium in the Earth's core - EurekAlert!

KERI, overcomes the biggest challenge of the lithium–sulfur battery, the core of UAM -

KERI, overcomes the biggest challenge of the lithium–sulfur battery, the core of UAM - EurekAlert

X-ray flashes from a nearby supermassive black hole accelerate mysteriously. Their source could be the core of a dead star that’s teetering at the black hole’s edge, MIT astronomers report.

Scientists Found Signs of a Hidden Structure Inside Earth's Core

Core-membrane microstructured amine-modified mesoporous biochar templated via ZnCl2/KCl for CO2 capture - EurekAlert

Something in Earth's Core May Be Altering The Length of Days

Alzheimer’s Game Changer: Dual-Action Drug Attacks Disease at Its Core

Scientists Detected Signs of a Hidden Structure Inside Earth's Core

Hubble Spots Small Spiral Galaxy with Glowing Bar in Its Core

Precision in the Quantum Realm: Controlling the Core of an Atom

Mysterious 'Donut' Structure Found Hidden Inside Earth's Core

Doughnut-shaped region found inside Earth's core deepens understanding of planet's magnetic field