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Corals that recover from bleaching still struggle to breed

Corals Are Once Again Bleaching En Masse, but Their Fate Isn’t Sealed

A Caribbean-wide restoration program - how to breed corals and reintroduce them into the wild on a large-scale - EurekAlert

Nanotech may offer a way to restore coral reefs: Scientists use artificial reefs, nanoparticles and 3D bioprinting to save corals from bleaching and climate change.

Some corals change sex each year so they can find mates

Deep sea sensor reveals that corals produce reactive oxygen species

Deep sea sensor reveals that corals produce reactive oxygen species

Scientists Have Been Freezing Corals for Decades. Now They're Learning How to Wake Them Up

Crust-forming algae are displacing corals in tropical waters worldwide

Algal outbreaks around the world are crowding out corals

Tiny spirits roam the corals of Japan -- two new pygmy squids discovered

Scientists Cryopreserve and Revive Coral Fragments in a World First for Conservation. The new freezing technique could reinvigorate corals suffering from warming oceans—or even preserve human organs in the future.

Adult corals have been safely frozen and revived for the first time