Coral Reefs

A coral reef is an underwater ecosystem characterized by reef-building corals.

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Satellites are game changers for protecting coral reefs in a warming world

Coral reefs: Battlegrounds for survival in a changing climate

Ocean acidification turns fish off coral reefs

Relax with Aqua, a colourful board game about building coral reefs

Solar-powered floating islands could help to regrow coral reefs

Bleaching of coral reefs shows severe ocean circulation changes - EurekAlert

Earth’s Coral Reefs Face a New, Deadly Mass Bleaching. They Can Still Be Saved

Nanotech may offer a way to restore coral reefs: Scientists use artificial reefs, nanoparticles and 3D bioprinting to save corals from bleaching and climate change.

The Moon Has a Curious Effect on The Sounds Emanating From Coral Reefs

Network of coral reefs in Seychelles offer conservation hope

Coral reefs can be regrown in just 4 years according to a promising new trial

Even 'Twilight Zone' Coral Reefs Aren't Safe from Bleaching

A Discarded Plan to Build Underwater Cities Will Give Coral Reefs New Life

Playing underwater sounds could help coral reefs fight global warming

Artificial reefs help preserve coral reefs by shifting divers away from the natural ones, according to new long-term study of one in Eilat

Earth's Coral Reefs Are Far Bigger Than We Thought, Satellite Imagery Reveals

Satellites unveil the size and nature of the world's coral reefs

Gold nanoparticles could help coral reefs avoid extinction

Coral reefs in peril from record-breaking ocean heat

Fake fog, ‘re-skinning’ and ‘sea-weeding’ could help coral reefs survive