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Culling predatory starfish conserves coral on the Great Barrier Reef

Coral identified as oldest bioluminescent organism, suggesting a new model of ancient ecology - EurekAlert

Thai scientists breed coral in labs to restore degraded reefs

'Janitors' of the sea: Overharvested sea cucumbers play crucial role in protecting coral

'Janitors' of the Sea: Overharvested sea cucumbers play crucial role in protecting coral

Compounds released by bleaching reefs promote bacteria, potentially stressing coral further

Discovering Coral’s Microbial Defenders Against Climate Change

‘Why can’t you make a coral out of an anemone?’

Climate Change’s Hidden Toll: Coral Bleaching at Record Depths in the Indian Ocean

Coral’s Worst Nightmare: Reef-Devouring Predator Survives Bleaching and Feasts on the Survivors

Surprising discovery about coral's resilience could help reefs survive climate change

Understanding the sex life of coral gives hope of clawing it back from the path to extinction

Scientists Cryopreserve and Revive Coral Fragments in a World First for Conservation. The new freezing technique could reinvigorate corals suffering from warming oceans—or even preserve human organs in the future.