A containment building is a reinforced steel, concrete or lead structure enclosing a nuclear reactor.

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Some Galaxies Contain Double Supermassive Black Holes

Cat Noses Contain Twisted Labyrinths That Help Them Separate Smells

The Milky Way could contain thousands of stars from another galaxy

Giant plume spotted erupting from moon of Saturn might contain ingredients for life

Supernova explosion's weird leftovers may contain a super-dense star

A new study of Uranus' large moons reveals that four of them may contain water

Melatonin gummies in the US contain far more of hormone than listed

Lab-Grown Burgers Have a Secret Ingredient: Plants

Plastic Containers Can Contain Toxic “Forever Chemicals” – And They Are Getting Into Food

Impact Glass Beads from the Moon Contain Solar Wind-Derived Water, Study Shows

China discovers strange glass beads on moon that may contain billions of tons of water

Space dust from asteroid impacts could contain signs of living organisms that existed on their home planets

At least 80% of the world's most important sites for biodiversity on land currently contain human developments

Asteroid samples brought back to Earth from Ryugu found to contain uracil, one of the four nucleotide bases in RNA. The discovery adds weight to the theory that basic organic molecules may have arrived on Earth from outer space.

Samples from asteroid Ryugu contain one of the building blocks of RNA

Meteorites have now been found to contain every nucleotide present in DNA and RNA.

Plastic containers can contain PFAS -- and it's getting into food

Does ice in the Universe contain the molecules making up the building blocks of life in planetary systems?

Black holes ‘contain dark energy that drive expansion of universe’

Optimal layout for a hospital isolation room to contain COVID-19 includes ceiling vent