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Facebook is constantly experimenting on consumers — and even its creators don’t fully know how it works - EurekAlert
Analysis: Consumers Engage in Greater Levels of Physical Activity on Days They Consume Cannabis
When Fracking Chemicals Are Disclosed, Consumers Take Note
Age trumps gender, income and postcode for consumers' clothing habits - EurekAlert
Pesticide residue concerns highlighted by fruits and vegetables consumers in five countries, new study reveals - EurekAlert
Delivery robots' green credentials make them more attractive to consumers
Cheese of the future: Consumers open to animal-free alternatives
The results of two new studies find that consumers are drinking less alcohol and consuming more cannabis in Canada and the United States
Cooling ‘blood oranges’ could make them even healthier – a bonus for consumers
Perceptions and Opinions Regarding Laboratory-Grown Meat (Cultured Meat): A Study among Vegan and Vegetarian Consumers
Cooling 'blood oranges' could make them even healthier – a bonus for consumers - EurekAlert
Cooling 'blood oranges' could make them even healthier -- a bonus for consumers
AI browser plug-ins to help consumers improve digital privacy literacy, combat manipulative design - EurekAlert
Study reveals consumers value animal welfare more than environmental sustainability when buying meat and dairy products
When consumers would prefer a chatbot over a person
Most brain monitors sold to consumers don't keep your data private
Study found that consumers favored nostalgic products when they felt powerless rather than when they felt powerful
Consumers, florists differ on floral arrangements
Are consumers ready for robots to show up at their doorstep?
Power of the pictogram: Researcher finds that sorted graphics make consumers feel optimistic