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New Global Study Confirms: Conservation Actually Works

Satellite maps boost mangrove conservation in China - EurekAlert

Conservation slowing biodiversity loss, scientists say

Why biodiversity offsetting is a contentious issue in conservation

Gene flow in giraffes and what it means for their conservation

New research into hedgehogs injured by robotic lawn mowers discovers a significant but solvable animal welfare and conservation problem

15 most pressing issues for conservation, including invertebrate decline and changing marine ecosystems

Footprint Forensics: How DNA From Polar Bears’ Snow Tracks Aids Conservation

We Need to Think about Conservation on a Different Timescale

Scientists Argue Conservation Is under Threat in Indonesia

Flagship individual animals can boost conservation

Scientists Cryopreserve and Revive Coral Fragments in a World First for Conservation. The new freezing technique could reinvigorate corals suffering from warming oceans—or even preserve human organs in the future.