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Altering Consciousness with Advanced Meditation

Redefining Consciousness: Scientists Discover That Small Regions of the Brain Can Take Micro-Naps While the Rest of the Brain Is Awake

Cambridge Study Reveals Mindfulness Can Trigger Profound Altered States of Consciousness

'We can't answer these questions': Neuroscientist Kenneth Kosik on whether lab-grown brains will achieve consciousness

Can consciousness exist in a computer simulation?

Can consciousness exist in a computer simulation? - EurekAlert

Mindfulness training may lead to altered states of consciousness

Common Sedative Could Break Consciousness by Tipping Your Brain Into Chaos

The Mystery of Consciousness Is Deeper Than We Thought

Advanced Meditation Alters Consciousness and Our Basic Sense of Self

Evidence of consciousness in newborns has implications for their care

Do Plants 'Think'? Our Understanding of Consciousness May Be Too Limited to Know

A multimodal approach to better predict recovery in patients with disorders of consciousness - EurekAlert

Yoga and Meditation-Induced Altered States of Consciousness are Common in the General Population

Yoga and meditation-induced altered states of consciousness are common in the general population

The nature of consciousness, and how to enjoy it while you can

Neuron special issue explores the science of consciousness - EurekAlert

Insects and Other Animals Have Consciousness

Studying Mouse Reactions to an Optical Illusion Can Teach Us about Consciousness

Unlocking the Secrets of Consciousness: New Brain Imaging Study Illuminates Critical Connections