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Do Animals Think and Feel Like Us? Scientists Reveal New Clues to Their Consciousness

How studying babies' minds is prompting us to rethink consciousness

Altered States of Consciousness Can Distort Time, And Nobody Knows Why

Challenging Reality: A Scientist Maps the Landscape of Consciousness

After exposure to anesthetics, females regain consciousness and cognition faster than males

Consciousness Might Hide in Our Brain’s Electric Fields

A landscape of consciousness - EurekAlert

Scientists are exploring theory suggesting that consciousness is not just a human trait but a universal phenomenon. Led by Anirban Bandyopadhyay, researchers at Japan’s NIMS are developing a device to detect resonant frequencies in the brain, linking human awareness to a cosmic consciousness.

Do Other Animals Have Consciousness? Science Could Force Us To Rethink Our Relationships With Them

MIT Scientists Shed New Light on the Critical Brain Connections That Define Consciousness

Groundbreaking Study Affirms Quantum Basis for Consciousness: A Paradigm Shift in Understanding Human Nature

Inside the Unconscious Brain: Scientists Reveal Hidden Geometry of Consciousness

How the brain's inner chamber governs our state of consciousness

New research on anesthesia unlocks important clues about the nature of consciousness

Babies and animals can’t tell us if they have consciousness – but philosophers and scientists are starting to find answers

New Study Uncovers Hidden Consciousness in Patients Thought To Be Unresponsive

International study detects consciousness in unresponsive patients with severe brain injury

International study detects consciousness in unresponsive patients

Quantum Entanglement in Neurons May Actually Explain Consciousness

Experiments Prepare to Test Whether Consciousness Arises from Quantum Weirdness