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Hackers can steal data by messing with a computer's processor

Teaching a computer to type like a human

A ‘Computer’ Built from DNA Can Find Patterns in Photographs

Advancing real-time 3D holographic display: A breakthrough in computer-generated holography - EurekAlert

Computer-simulated moon dust may help lunar robots pass a major hurdle

Computer-engineered DNA to study cell identities

Uploading Your Mind to a Computer Will Require 3 Crucial Things

Need to Map an Iceberg in a Hundredth of a Second? Ask a Computer

NASA spaceflight computer to use SiFive RISC-V CPU cores

The crew of Apollo 13 used a 5-inch, metal slide rule, model "N600-ES" made by Pickett as a back up on-board computer. It was a model that was popular among engineers, scientists and students at the time