
A leaf is a principal appendage of the stem of a vascular plant, usually borne laterally aboveground and specialized for photosynthesis.

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Select corn lines contain compounds that sicken, kill major crop pest - EurekAlert

Select corn lines contain compounds that sicken, kill major crop pest

Scientists Find Amino Acids, Salts and Other Compounds in Samples from Asteroid Bennu

Testing the effect of thousands of compounds on cellular metabolism

Testing Thousands of Compounds Simultaneously to Uncover New Drugs and Tailored Treatments

Identification of Compounds extending the longevity of Japanese morning glory flowers - EurekAlert

Chemists achieve PFAS-free synthesis of fluorinated pharmaceutical and agrochemical compounds

PFAS-free synthesis of fluorinated pharmaceutical and agrochemical compounds - EurekAlert

PFAS-free synthesis of fluorinated pharmaceutical and agrochemical compounds

Dine on DNA: Compounds from nucleic acids in food show anticancer effects

Dine on DNA: Compounds from nucleic acids in food show anticancer effects - EurekAlert

Cellphone compass can measure tiny concentrations of compounds important for human health

Compounds in female ginseng could lead to new osteoporosis treatments

Compounds released by bleaching reefs promote bacteria, potentially stressing coral further

This octopus-inspired patch could deliver drugs like Ozempic through your cheek | Small rubber suction cups filled with medication were better than tablets at delivering compounds into the bloodstream.

Study: Marijuana Has 566 Chemical Compounds, 125 Different Cannabinoids

Satellites spy on human trafficking 'compounds' (photo)

James Webb telescope discovers carbon compounds crucial to life in star system 1,000 light-years from Earth

Accelerating Drug Discovery With the AI Behind ChatGPT – Screening 100 Million Compounds a Day

Electronic noses sniff out volatile organic compounds