
The COLUMBUS PROGRAMS are a computational chemistry software suite for calculating ab initio molecular electronic structures, designed as a collection of individual programs communicating through files. The programs focus on extended multi-reference calculations of atomic and molecular ground and excited states. In addition to standard classes of reference wave functions such as CAS and RAS, calculations can be performed with selected configurations. Some features employ the atomic orbital integrals and gradient routines from the Dalton as well as MOLCAS program suites. COLUMBUS is distributed open-source under the LGPL license. The COLUMBUS PROGRAMS are frequently used for nonadiabatic problems because of its ability to calculate MRCI nonadiabatic coupling vector analytically.

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Study Confirms: Syphilis Was Active in The Americas Long Before Columbus

New Study Indicates That Syphilis Originated in the Americas Prior to the Arrival of Columbus

Medieval walrus ivory may reveal trade between Norse and Indigenous Americans hundreds of years before Columbus, study finds

Even after Columbus, infectious diseases had a surprisingly hard time crossing oceans

Myth Debunked: Syphilis-Like Diseases Were Already Widespread in America Before the Arrival of Columbus

2,000-Year-Old Bones Undermine Myth About Columbus And Syphilis

Syphilis-like diseases were widespread in Americas before arrival of Columbus

The history of syphilis is being rewritten by a medieval skeleton. Columbus may not have brought syphilis back to the Old World after all.

An analysis of genetic remains aims to establish the historical lineage of Christopher Columbus (1401-1506 CE)

Columbus Zoo's baby elephant will help zoos across U.S. with his stem cells

Researchers put a date on when the Vikings arrived in Canada: exactly 1,000 years ago, 471 years before the first voyage of Columbus

Move Over Columbus: Europeans Were Already Active in the Americas 1,000 Years Ago

Mysterious Text Suggests Europeans Knew of America Long Before Columbus Set Sail

Milanese Friar Knew about North America 150 Years before Columbus Voyage, Researchers Say

Ancient Documents Suggest Italian Sailors Knew of America 150 Years Before Christopher Columbus

Italian sailors knew of America 150 years before Christopher Columbus, new analysis of ancient documents suggests

Pre-Columbus climate change may have caused Amazon population decline

Pre-Columbus climate change may have caused Amazon population decline

Venetian Glass Beads Found in Arctic Alaska Predate Arrival of Columbus

Stunning Blue Beads Found in Alaska Predate Columbus, Controversial Study Claims