College Students

A t-test is any statistical hypothesis test in which the test statistic follows a Student's t-distribution under the null hypothesis.

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Yes, college students gain holiday weight too -- but in the form of muscle not fat

College students’ insomnia linked more strongly with loneliness than screen time - EurekAlert

College students' insomnia linked more strongly with loneliness than screen time

College students confirm long-held prediction about atmospheric gravity waves

PTSD Has Surged Among College Students

PTSD Has Surged Among College Students

College students want to help during an opioid overdose but don’t know how

College Students Beware: Taking “Study Drugs” Can Have Serious Consequences

Confusing assistance requirements contribute to food insecurity among college students

New Study: College Students Should Avoid This Popular Drink To Improve Their Sleep Quality

The average IQ of college students has declined between 1939-2022 by approximately 0.2 IQ points per year (a total of ~17 IQ points)

Depression, anxiety common among college students

Multi-site trial of belonging exercise improves college students' academic persistence

Perceived severity of childhood abuse among psychologists, college students, and general public: Research found psychologists with emotional abuse histories provided more severe ratings on emotional abuse items, more in line with general public perceptions.

A group of college students are sending a rover the size of a shoebox to the moon

Loneliness associated with unhealthful diets and physical inactivity among US college students

College students suffer more than 100 alcohol-related consequences, study finds

How college students perceive academic stress affects their mental well-being

Lack of Belonging Predicts Depressive Symptomatology in College Students

Four-year college students drink more, use marijuana less than community college peers, study finds