Cold War

The Second Cold War,Cold War II, or the New Cold War are terms that refer to heightened political, social, ideological, informational, and military tensions in the 21st century.

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Radioactive Dust Still Blows Over The Sahara From Cold War Nuclear Tests

The Spaceship that Came in From the Cold War: The Untold Story of the DC-X

A Cold War mystery: Why did Jimmy Carter save the space shuttle? | Ars solves the mystery by going directly to a primary source—the president himself.

'We didn't know what it was at first.' NASA aircraft uncovers site of secret Cold War nuclear missile tunnels under Greenland ice sheet

These Cold War–Era Jets Will Chase the Eclipse to Uncover the Sun’s Mysteries

'For All Mankind' season 4 episode 3 review: A Cold War thriller set in the 21st century

Cold War spy satellite imagery reveals Ancient Roman forts

Nuclear War Would Be Worse For Our Climate Than Predicted in The Cold War

NASA was a pioneer in developing and testing hypersonic aircraft (speeds beyond Mach 5.) Much of this happened in secret, across NASA's "X Program" of experimental vehicles. There were even 8 NASA pilots who secretly became astronauts during the cold war, as they flew the X-15 above 80KM.

Satellite Recon Goes Mass Market (Cold-war capabilities are now available to everybody )

The V-2 Rocket: Rise Of The Space Race And Cold War Missiles

Putin’s Threats Bring Risk Of Nuclear ‘Armageddon’ To Highest Level Since Cold War, Biden Warns

A Tech Millionaire Bought a Giant Cold War Radar to ‘Find UFOs’

The Deadly Cyclone That Changed the Course of the Cold War

Cold War: Origins, combatants and leaders

Top-secret Cold War military project found perfectly preserved fossil plants under Greenland ice

A Cold War era US neurosurgeon successfully transplanted monkey heads in 1970. He wanted to do the same for humans to "preserve the soul."

For All Mankind season 2 review: The cold war is raging on the moon

Cold War heats up on the moon in 'For All Mankind' season 2 trailer for Apple TV+