Coastal Waters

The term territorial waters is sometimes used informally to refer to any area of water over which a state has jurisdiction, including internal waters, the territorial sea, the contiguous zone, the exclusive economic zone and potentially the continental shelf. In a narrower sense, the term is used as a synonym for the territorial sea.

Read more in the app

Coastal waters: An underestimated source of methane

Beach guardians: How hidden microbes protect coastal waters in a changing climate

'Sunny day flooding' increases fecal contamination of coastal waters

How NASA Spotted El NiƱo Changing the Saltiness of Coastal Waters

New study confirms presence of flesh-eating and illness-causing bacteria in Florida's coastal waters following Hurricane Ian

Oyster fight: The humble sea creature could hold the key to restoring coastal waters. Developers hate it.

Turbulence from spawning fish keeps a healthy circulation in coastal waters

California Fire Led To Spike in Fecal Bacteria in Coastal Waters