CNIO and CNIC research identifies a key protein for ‘burning’ fat - EurekAlert

CNIO opens up new research pathways against p - EurekAlert

CNIO researchers clarify the role of the two isoforms of KRAS, the most common oncogene in humans

CNIO researchers discover a new pathway to tackle follicular lymphoma

CNIO researchers help to decipher the structure of the large molecular machine that activates mTOR

CNIO researchers find molecular switch that allows organisms to adapt to fasting conditions

CNIO researchers discover that a protein that facilitates DNA repair may potentiate chemotherapy

CNIO researchers discover the cause of neuronal death in a large proportion of familial ALS patients

CNIO researchers explain the toxicity of USP7 inhibitors, under development for cancer treatment

CNIO researchers discover that a drug already in use in humans corrects obesity in mice

CNIO scientists discovers a combination therapy for aggressive brain tumors

The CNIO describe how embryonic stem cells keep optimal conditions for use in regenerative medicine

A CNIO team discovers how telomere involvement in tumor generation is regulated

CNIO participates in a study that defines the most important genes that increase breast cancer risk

A CNIO study links severe COVID-19 disease to short telomeres