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Scientists study how to bring you 'climate-smart coffee'

Scientists study how to bring you ‘climate-smart coffee’ - EurekAlert

Scientists study how to bring you ‘climate-smart coffee’ - EurekAlert

The Great Salt Lake Is Drying and Our Climate Is Paying the Price

Climate-Friendly Concrete Paves Path to Green Construction

NASA-Funded Studies Explain How Climate Is Changing Earth’s Rotation

NASA-Funded Studies Explain How Climate Is Changing Earth’s Rotation

Although tiny, peatland microorganisms have a big impact on climate

Although tiny, peatland microorganisms have a big impact on climate - EurekAlert

The End of El Niño: What It Means for Our Climate

Geoengineering the Climate Could Harm the Planet, U.N. Fears

UNH awarded ten million dollars to expand climate resilient agriculture - EurekAlert

Medieval wine tasting fills in gaps about Europe’s climate

Cutting farm nitrous oxide emissions helps climate and ozone layer

Scientists discover new plants that could lead to ‘climate-proof’ chocolate

Cool solutions could head off the climate-damaging rush for air con

New Supreme Court Decisions Jeopardize Efforts to Curb Pollution and Climate Change

Most climate-vulnerable countries with highest hunger rates significantly under-represented in agrifood research - EurekAlert

Kick-starting seagrass for a climate-proof sea - EurekAlert

Groundbreaking discovery: Zinc can make crop yields more climate-resilient