Odds of 'City Killer' Asteroid Hitting Earth Plummet to 0.001 Percent
Here Are Our Defense Options Against Potential 'City Killer' Asteroid Impact
‘City Killer’ Asteroid’s Earth Impact Risk Rises to Highest Ever Recorded
'City killer' asteroid now has 3.1% chance of hitting Earth: NASA
Odds of 'City Killer' Asteroid Impact in 2032 Now Even Higher, Says NASA
Whether for this particular "city killer" asteroid, or other, or just having a look, this is a pretty interesting tool. The link will load to track 2024 YR4, at a short time before it reaches its closest distance to earth.
Big asteroid quartet, including 'city killer,' to make flyby of Earth
A 'City Killer' Asteroid Is About to Pass By Earth. Here's How to Get a Look at It.