A clock or a timepiece is a device used to measure and indicate time.
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When you get hurt matters: Circadian rhythms affect muscle repair
Circadian nutrition: Is meal timing an elixir for fatigue? - EurekAlert
Circadian clock impact on cluster headaches funded by $2.4M NIH grant for UTHealth Houston research - EurekAlert
Circadian clock can be leveraged to enhance cancer immunotherapy
Circadian rhythms can influence drugs' effectiveness
How Do Circadian Rhythms Work? New Research Sheds Light
New research sheds light on how circadian rhythms work
Researchers Studied a Circadian Clock in Real Time in a First For Science
Dissecting the circadian clock in real time
Seasonal and circadian genetic variation charted across the human body
How an Artificial Chemical Clock Imitates a Mysterious Property of Circadian Rhythms
Even During Starvation – Cells’ Circadian Clock Keeps Ticking Over
Mimicking an enigmatic property of circadian rhythms through an artificial chemical clock
Circadian clock controls sunflower blooms, optimizing for pollinators
Pancreatic cancer linked to disrupted circadian clocks in cells
Cells' circadian clock keeps ticking over even during starvation
New study on the circadian clock of the fruit fly
5 Ways To Regulate Your Circadian Rhythm
What Happens if Your Body Clock Is Out of Whack? Disrupted Circadian Rhythms Linked to Cancer
What happens if your circadian rhythms are out of whack?