chronic pain

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Understanding the roots of chronic pain - EurekAlert

Understanding the roots of chronic pain

Confronting trauma alleviates chronic pain among older veterans

How cannabis and psilocybin might help some of the 50 million Americans who are experiencing chronic pain

Welcome to a world where we can cure blindness, chronic pain and neurological diseases with 3D printed surgical ... - EurekAlert

AMS Science Preview: Hawaiian climates; chronic pain; lightning-caused wildfires - EurekAlert

New Research Links Chronic Pain to Socioeconomic Background

Treating chronic pain with ultrasound – The device at the center of these human clinical trials, called Diadem, promises to change how certain neurological disorders are treated. Resembling a pair of oversized headphones, it stimulates regions of the deep brain underlying chronic pain and depression

Large Review Finds CBD Products Don't Relieve Chronic Pain After All

Researchers uncover potential non-opioid treatment for chronic pain

Childhood trauma increases risk of chronic pain in adulthood, research to-date highlights

Disturbances in sensory neurons may alter transient pain into chronic pain

A type of vitamin B3 might treat chronic pain related to inflammation

A review of recent preliminary clinical findings suggests psychedelics, particularly psilocybin (magic mushrooms) may relieve chronic pain and improve function and quality of life.