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Energy Secretary Pick, Chris Wright, Has Been an Evangelist for Fossil Fuels

Jared Isaacman is Trump’s Choice for NASA Administrator

Jared Isaacman is Trump's Choice for NASA Administrator

Jared Isaacman is Trump's Choice for NASA Administrator

Political opinions influence our choice of chocolate

Political opinions influence our choice of chocolate - EurekAlert

Study: People facing life-or-death choice put too much trust in AI - EurekAlert

Your Choice of Pet Could Predict What Kind of Personality You Have

Being given a choice makes touch more pleasant, study finds

Elite researchers in China say they had ‘no choice’ but to commit misconduct

Horses used in therapy often avoid people if they are given a choice

New E. coli strain will accelerate evolution of the genes of your choice

2 Key Tips To Own The ‘Childless By Choice’ Trend, By A Psychologist