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Harsh parenting in childhood may alter brain development and lead to behavioral issues in girls

Possible links between PFAS exposure and childhood cancers

Childhood trauma increases incidence of heart disease in Black women, Emory study finds - EurekAlert

Childhood trauma survivors show blunted cardiovascular responses to social stress

Second-hand smoke exposure during childhood leaves its mark on children's DNA

Your stroke risk might be higher if your parents divorced during your childhood - EurekAlert

Your stroke risk might be higher if your parents divorced during your childhood - EurekAlert

Childhood epilepsy may predispose to memory disorders later in life

Childhood epilepsy may predispose to memory disorders later in life - EurekAlert

Childhood cancer genome study reveals hidden variants

Persistent tobacco smoking from childhood may cause heart damage by the mid-twenties

Persistent tobacco smoking from childhood may cause heart damage by the mid-twenties - EurekAlert

Stress Experienced by Fathers in Their Childhood Can Affect Their Newborn Children

Childhood overweight is associated with socio-economic vulnerability

Childhood overweight is associated with socio-economic vulnerability - EurekAlert

Childhood attention issues and genetic factors may predict psychosis risk

Lifestyle intervention from childhood to adolescence affects metabolism even years later

Childhood emotional abuse and neglect linked to frequent disturbed dreams in young adults

In US community efforts to prevent childhood - EurekAlert

Inflammation during childhood linked to onset of mental health issues in early adulthood