
Chemistry is the scientific study of the properties and behavior of matter.

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Mixology Science: Using Chemistry and a 300-Year-Old Technique To Reinvent a Drink [Video]

Scientists deliver quantum algorithm to develop new materials and chemistry

To Make My Chemistry Classes More Welcoming, I Start by Making Students Uncomfortable

Chemistry in the ground affects how many offspring wild animals have

Webb telescope spots hints that Eris, Makemake are geologically active. Webb measured isotopes at the edge of the Solar System, hinting at chemistry.

Europa Clipper launches in October, a spacecraft designed to unlock the secrets of Jupiter's moon, which holds twice as much water as all of Earth's oceans combined. “And that ocean has been there for 4 billion years. It's full of chemistry, it's full of energy, and maybe the ingredients for life.”

Machine Learning Meets Chemistry: New MIT Model Predicts Transition States With Unprecedented Speed

Making Chemistry Safer Is Worth the Price Tag

Engineers unmask nanoplastics in oceans for the first time, revealing their true shapes and chemistry

Researchers may have identified the missing component in the chemistry of the Venusian clouds that would explain their colour and 'splotchiness' in the UV range, solving a longstanding mystery.

Nanorings Uncovered: Astonishing New Building Blocks for Chemistry

From Code to Chemistry: Coscientist, the AI System Mastering Nobel Prize-Winning Reactions

Click chemistry used to weave customizable spider silk

Art with DNA -- Digitally creating 16 million colors by chemistry

MIT’s Quantum Maestro: Professor Moungi Bawendi Shares Nobel Prize in Chemistry

Lessons in Chemistry review: TV show delivers – just stay with it

Nobel Prize in Chemistry Awarded to 3 Quantum Dots Researchers

2023 Nobel Prize in Chemistry Goes to Tiny Quantum Dots with Huge Effects

The development of quantum dots wins the 2023 Nobel prize in chemistry

Nobel prize for chemistry goes to trio behind quantum dots work