
Chemical warfare (CW) involves using the toxic properties of chemical substances as weapons.

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Chemical analyses find hidden elements from renaissance astronomer Tycho Brahe's alchemy laboratory

Chemical analyses find hidden elements from renaissance astronomer Tycho Brahe’s alchemy laboratory - EurekAlert

Chemical analyses find hidden elements from renaissance astronomer Tycho Brahe’s alchemy laboratory - EurekAlert

Electric Vehicle Batteries Surprising New Source of 'Forever Chemical' Pollution

A Chemical-Sniffing Van Shows How Heat Amps Up Pollution

Chemical tweaks to a toad hallucinogen turns it into a potential drug

New 'forever chemical' cleanup strategy discovered

FDA could ban chemical used by Starbucks and Dunkin' Donuts in decaf coffee over cancer fears

Chemical cocktail could restore sight by regenerating optic nerves

Cosmic Building Blocks of Life Discovered – Scientists Perform First Chemical-Free Analysis of Extraterrestrial Amino Acids in Winchcombe Meteorite

Chemical and mechanical forces combine to guide the development of the lung's branching pattern. This finding, in Current Biology, could help scientists design better organoids for therapeutic research.

Chemical synthesis: New strategy for skeletal editing on pyridines

Chemical Produced by Gut Microbes Seems to Prevent Obesity in Mice

Chemical analysis of residues from heated fatty acids reveal the kinds of chemical reactions, and hence hint at the types of cooking, that took place in ceramic pots thousands of years ago.

New cancer drug targets uncovered using base editing and chemical proteomics

Chemical cages could store hydrogen, expand use of clean-burning fuel

Table salt could be the secret ingredient for better chemical recycling

Scientists Slowed Down a Chemical Reaction 100 Billion Times to See What Happens

Unexpected Chemical Detectives: ALMA’s Surprise Discovery Aids Protoplanet Search

Study: Marijuana Has 566 Chemical Compounds, 125 Different Cannabinoids