In Denmark, rural cat owners are neutering their cats and allowing them indoor access - EurekAlert
Silk Road merchants may have introduced cats to China 1400 years ago
Could Fire Ants Be Linked to This Mysterious Eye Condition in Dogs and Cats?
CDC Posts, Then Deletes, Data on Bird Flu Transmission Between Cats and People
Cats May Have Gotten Bird Flu From Raw Pet Food. Here’s What to Know.
The Latest on Bird Flu in Humans, Cats and Chickens
CDC Detects Bird Flu Mutation in Human, Amid New Infections in Cats
Could Cats Become a Vector for Bird Flu?
Scientists reveal genes that make cats orange
The discovery of Stone Age needles made from the bones of foxes, cats and other small carnivores reveals details about how prehistoric humans survived in cold climes
Gene behind orange fur in cats found at last
Scientists Put Cats in Microgravity to See What Would Happen
Cats can associate sounds and images, a basic precursor of language
Cats Can Have a Profound Effect on Your Physical And Mental Health
Cats Can Learn Words Faster Than Human Babies, Study Suggests
Cats Basically Are a Liquid After All, Study Confirms
New research indicates cats can associate a word with an image
Cats beat babies at word-association game
At-home experiments shed light on cats’ liquid behavior
Cats in the Hats: New Technique Transforms How Scientists Scan Cats’ Brains