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Some Green Groups Are Running Out of Cash After Trump Freezes $20 Billion

Payments Are Going Digital, but Many Seniors Still Rely on Cash

Cash is King: The surprising truth about spending habits in a cashless world

COP29: Clashes over cash are set to dominate the climate conference

Small Business Disaster Loans to Hurricane Victims Are Halted as Cash Runs Out

Cash and conservation: A worldwide analysis of wildlife represented on money

Denver Basic Income Project gave homeless people cash and saved taxpayers almost $600,000 in the process, report says

Earning Cash While Losing Pounds: “Game of Stones” Proves Successful

Astra considered bankruptcy as it struggled to raise cash

Research shows that customers' income or payment method has a greater impact on tips than service quality. For instance, those who pay with cash are more inclined to leave tips compared to electronic payers

Is giving people cash working? What six months of Denver's Basic Income Project tell us

Improved mangrove conservation could yield cash, carbon, coastal benefits