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Carbon oxides on Uranus' moon Ariel hint at hidden ocean, Webb telescope reveals

Creating carbon negative materials with ancient microbes - EurekAlert

Creating carbon negative materials with ancient microbes - EurekAlert

Assessment methods for realizing digital urban planning and low-carbon urban design - EurekAlert

Capturing carbon with energy-efficient sodium carbonate-nanocarbon hybrid material

Plants might not hold on to carbon as long as we thought

Planted mangroves' ability to store carbon

Mozambican Woodlands could store more than double the carbon previously estimated

Breakthrough Technology Freezes Carbon in the Ocean Faster and Safer Than Ever Before

Growing marijuana outdoors ‘can be 50 times less carbon-emitting’ than indoor cultivation, new agricultural study finds

New contaminant-tolerant catalyst could help capture carbon directly from smokestacks - EurekAlert

Recent review conceptualizes how soil fauna can alter the stability of carbon in soil via processes such as tranformation/translocation of organic matter or grazing on microorganisms. Better understanding of the quantitative contribution of these processes could aid in managing soils as carbon sinks

Scientists Have a Radical Plan to Pump Carbon to The Bottom of The Ocean

Global Warming Game-Changer: Plants Release Carbon Sooner Than Expected

Scientists Forge the World’s Thinnest Metallic Wire From Copper and Carbon Atoms

Carbon is Surprisingly Abundant in an Early Galaxy

JWST discovers large variety of carbon-rich gases that serve as ingredients for future planets around very low-mass star

James Webb Unmasks the Carbon-Rich Secrets of Protoplanetary Disks

Rocky, carbon-rich exoplanets more likely around tiny stars, James Webb Space Telescope reveals

Shape and depth of ocean floor profoundly influence how carbon is stored there