Captain Janeway
Kathryn Janeway is a fictional character in the Star Trek franchise. As the captain of the Starfleet starship USS Voyager, she was the lead character on the television series Star Trek: Voyager, and briefly appears as a Starfleet admiral in the 2002 film Star Trek: Nemesis. Although other female captains had appeared in previous Star Trek episodes and other media, Janeway is the only one to serve as the central character of a Star Trek TV series. She has also appeared in other media including books and video games. In all of her screen appearances, she was played by Kate Mulgrew. Mulgrew voices one of the main characters, Hologram Janeway, in Star Trek: Prodigy, where she appears as a training hologram. Additionally, she voices Admiral Janeway as a cameo in the series, reprising her role in an animated capacity for the first time since Star Trek: Nemesis.