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Lancet Oncology publication establishes imaging guidelines for head and neck cancers, a step toward practice change - EurekAlert

New Co-STAR receptor shows promise treating cancers in laboratory study

Natural Compounds for Preventing Age-Related Diseases and Cancers (2024)

‘Unusual’ cancers emerged after the pandemic. Doctors ask if covid is to blame.

100% of cancers cured long-term in "remarkable" human trial

Plant Virus Fights Cancers in Mice With 'Widespread Effectiveness'

Discovering cancers of epigenetic origin without DNA mutation

Tumor deposits in colorectal and gastric cancers - EurekAlert

Duke-NUS scientists uncover key resistance mechanism to Wnt inhibitors in pancreatic and colorectal cancers - EurekAlert

Scientists uncover key resistance mechanism to Wnt inhibitors in pancreatic and colorectal cancers

Testing drugs on mini-cancers in the lab may reveal best treatment

Groundbreaking treatment approach shows promise in hard-to-treat cancers - EurekAlert

'Junk DNA' no more: New method to identify cancers from repeat elements of genetic code

Scientists Tame Shapeless Monster Behind 75% of Cancers

One Protein Helps 75% of Cancers to Spread – And We May Have a Way to Stop It

Scientists tame chaotic protein fueling 75% of cancers

Scientists tame chaotic protein fueling 75% of cancers

Researchers discover the weak points of the protein that causes one in 10 cancers

Nutrient found in beef and milk shows promise against several cancers

Ultra-processed foods and higher risk of mouth, throat and esophagus cancers