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A recipe for zero-emissions fuel: Soda cans, seawater, and caffeine

Caffeine Has an Intriguing Effect on The Brains of Parkinson's Patients

How milk proteins interact with caffeine in espresso

Caffeine and Ants: A Potential Game Changer in Pest Control

Caffeine affects brain dopamine function in patients with Parkinson's disease

Ants learn faster on caffeine

Foraging ants navigate more efficiently when given energy-drink-like doses of caffeine

1 in 4 parents say their teen consumes caffeine daily or nearly every day

1 in 4 parents say their teen consumes caffeine daily or nearly every day - EurekAlert

Scientists Supercharge Fuel Cells Using Caffeine

Things Every Soccer Player Should Know: How Caffeine Can Negatively Impact Your Performance

Spilling the Beans: How Much Caffeine Is Too Much?

Caffeine in Your Blood Might Affect Body Fat And Diabetes Risk, Study Finds

What Happens When You Quit Caffeine? An Expert Explains The Hidden Benefits.

How the right amount of caffeine unlocks lifelong benefits for your body and mind

How Much Caffeine Is Too Much?

Caffeine Could Have a Surprising Effect on The Brain's Ability to Learn

Scientists Find Drug That Relieves Daytime Sleepiness – And It's Not Caffeine

Why some people don’t feel the buzz of caffeine

Fish Reveal Caffeine and Other Common Drugs May Alter Human Facial Development