
Buzz Lightyear is one of the main characters in Disney/Pixar's Toy Story franchise, voiced by Tim Allen.

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Generating 'buzz' about new products can influence their success

New centralized pollination portal for better global bee data creates a buzz

Why some people don’t feel the buzz of caffeine

Bees 'Buzz' in More Ways Than You Might Think

See Mars buzz the dense stars of the Beehive Cluster tonight

Apollo 11 moonwalker Buzz Aldrin honored as Air Force one-star, Space Force Guardian

Astronaut Buzz Aldrin promoted to honorary brigadier general, member of the Space Force

Buzz Aldrin congratulates NASA Artemis 2 Crew

Squeak Squeak, Buzz Buzz: How Researchers Are Using AI to Talk to Animals

Neil Armstrong knew about the possibility of Nixon phoning them on the Moon but nobody told Buzz and he was completely caught off guard. Both men felt stunned by the President's unexpected phone call and Buzz didn't prepare any profound statement so he let Neil do the talking