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Bees and butterflies on the decline in western and southern North America - EurekAlert

Vanishing Pollinators: Unraveling the Decline of Bees and Butterflies

Where Did Butterflies Come From? This Scientist Is On the Case

Want to see butterflies in your backyard? Try doing less yardwork

Why some songs make our heart swell and others give us butterflies

How butterflies choose mates: Gene controls preferences

New evidence shows UK solar parks can provide for bees and butterflies

Butterflies could lose spots as climate warms

Seeing the Unseen: How Butterflies Can Help Scientists Detect Cancer

Scientists Create UV Camera Inspired by Butterflies to Detect Cancer Cells

Seeing the unseen: How butterflies can help scientists detect cancer

Seeing the unseen: How butterflies can help scientists detect cancer

New Research Reveals That Butterflies and Moths Share Ancient “Blocks” of DNA

Three Out of Four Populations of Rare Butterflies Have Been Lost

Three out of four populations of rare butterflies have been lost