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'Galloping' bubbles could act as tiny robotic vacuum cleaners

James Webb Space Telescope finds our Milky Way galaxy's supermassive black hole blowing bubbles (image, video)

Quantum Simulation Shows How Universe-Destroying ‘Bubbles’ Could Grow

Bubbles 75x Larger Than Our Sun Are Boiling on This Distant Star's Surface

Bubbles of gas 75 times larger than our sun spotted on another star

Astronomers track bubbles on star's surface

Hubble Spots Billowing Bubbles of Stellar Floss Across 1,000 Light-Year Expanse

Hubble Spots Billowing Bubbles of Stellar Floss

Studying bubbles can lead to more efficient biofuel motors

Studying bubbles can lead to more efficient biofuel motors - EurekAlert

Bouncing Bubbles Boost Boiling

Microbial comics: RNA as a common language, presented in extracellular speech-bubbles

Innovation in Metalworking: Welding Metal Foam Without Melting Its Bubbles

Researchers find way to weld metal foam without melting its bubbles

“Fermi” bubbles are bursting from our galaxy. Their origins remain a mystery.

Bursting air bubbles may play a key role in how glacier ice melts